Directions to Van Cortlandt Park – Bronx, NY
Use this address for GPS: 98 Van Cortlandt Park South, Bronx, NY
Take the NJ Turnpike North to the George Washington Bridge.
After crossing the bridge, you will be getting on the Major Deegan North / I-87.
Take the Deegan until you get to exit-11 “Van Cortlandt Park South.”
Yield right all the way around the exit.
You will now be heading up to Broadway, but just before that, will be a yield right with a yellow blinking light. Take this yield on to Broadway. You will already see the start of the Park here.
You are now two blocks away from the park / course area. After you pass the Burger King, you will begin looking to your right, as soon as you see the open fields of the Park, this is where the races take place.
Note: Parking can be quite difficult in this neighborhood. You may have to park some distance away from the park.