randy-thomas-and-bill-rogers Bill Rogers leading Randy Thomas in the Pepsi National 10k Championships in Purchase, New York in 1980.

Randy Thomas would let nothing stop him and his vision of himself.

The story about Randy Thomas is one of the most inspirational runner’s stories.

After running for and graduating from the University of Massachusetts, he decided to go all in and see how good he could be running professionally.  He went four years without a shoe sponsor or income except for the $2.61 /per hour wage he made working at the Bill Rogers Running Center in Boston.  During this time he slept on the floor of an apartment with four other Greater Boston Track Club athletes.

In 1978 Thomas was offered a spot in the prestigious Penn Relays 10,000m in Philadelphia.  When his ’72 Dodge Dart broke down on the way from Boston to Philly, Thomas hitchhiked the last 50 miles to the track, arriving moments before the start of his race.  He ran an incredible 28:22 for 10k, qualifying him for entry into the White City Stadium meet in London in July.

Thomas hitchhiked back to his broken down car in New Jersey and spent the night sleeping at a rest stop.  Marathon great and friend Bill Rogers sent him the money for car repairs the next day.

He later sold his Dart for $750, the cost of a ticket to London.

“I never thought about what I would do when I returned with no car. That, to me, was rational planning based thinking. I had an opportunity, a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I took it. The other sh _ _ I could figure out when I got home. I know this seems foreign to today’s athletes who generally need guarantee and safety and a fallback. I had none other than running well.”