A funny thing happened today…….

I wont be able to stop over at  “Captain’s Practice” on Tuesday, August 5th.

It appears that  I have to fly across the country to Seattle, Washington. Why, you may ask???

Because I got this letter in my e mail this morning:



Hi Coach,

Congratulations! You have been chosen as one of Brooks 2014 Inspiring Coaches finalists. Our goal with the Inspiring Coaches is to honor inspirational track/XC coaches who not only support their teams with time, encouragement, and dedication, but go above and beyond to build and keep their programs strong, make a lasting difference in the lives of their athletes, and inspire not only their own athletes, but others in their communities to run and be active. Want to learn more about the program, you can go to www.brooksrunning.com/inspiringcoaches.

In February, we began accepting applications for the fourth year of the Brooks Inspiring Coaches program from athletes, parents, fellow coaches, and anyone in the community who knew a great coach. We encouraged them to share their stories of how their coaches inspire them. And because of the great stories shared about you, you were chosen as one of our top 25 finalists. As a finalist you will receive:

·         $5,000 in Brooks running shoes, apparel, and accessories for your team.

·         $500 cash for team expenses (paid to the school athletic department or booster club).

·         Membership in the Brooks Inspire Daily (I.D.) program for 2014 (Additional information on the Brooks ID program will follow in the coming weeks)

Finally, we plan to hold an awards ceremony in Seattle on August 5. We would love for you to join us for this event! Your travel, lodging and food expenses will be paid for by Brooks. We simply need you to book your travel accommodations via our agency.


After reading this e-mail , I can’t even express the rush that I got and the emotions that overcame me. I actually had to leave the house for awhile to clear my head because I was so excited! I called my wife at work, my Mom and Dad (thank goodness I still have them both), my daughter (who I now discover was roped into this -lol), and my 2 brothers and sister.  Knowing you were all in school, I figured this would be the way to let you all know that the wonderful gesture that many of you have taken part in has become a reality. It is my understanding that Brooks will not be officially announcing this until June 21st, but there is no way I could hold out and wait that long to tell you and thank you!!!!

If it goes no further then this stage of the award, please know how much you have all humbled me with this nomination and the time that was taken to put it together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is why I love coaching and everything that it entails. There will be plenty of hugs and handshakes to go around when I see you all. I wish I could take you all to Seattle with me!

All my love and respect to those who nominated me, and to all my athletes past and present.



About The Author

The OFFICIAL Training App of the Secaucus HS Cross Country Team

Secaucus HS Cross Country Coaching Staff

Head Coach: Stan Fryczynski

E Mail: stan.fryczynski@yahoo.com


Assistant Coach: Kathy Gomez

Assistant Coach: Claire McAndrew